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J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng ; 3: 2055668316668792, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31186909


The design and manufacturing of affordable medical assistive devices represents a major challenge for developing countries where resources are much more limited than in rich countries. The engineering design process focuses on developing better devices and systems with a low impact on the environment and the most functional and efficient performance, at the lowest possible price. In this context, the mechatronic design is perhaps the most complete way of thinking about performing concurrent design tasks which provide fully of mechanical, electronic, informatics and intelligent control systems integration. This design process can take advantage of many computer-aided tools, which play a key role in the modern methods of optimization and reduce the cost of prototyping. This work presents the mechatronic design process of an affordable assistive robotic bed, from the main requirements through the mechanical design and up to the integration of the electronics and the embedded control, while industrial design suitably merges to all the modules of the robotic bed. The work was developed in cooperation with a set of experts at the Hospital Juarez de Mexico who provided their very specific necessities for the designers and more important for the patients.
